Lisandro Rivera Photography

Beaumont, California, United States | Photography


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Pas­sion. That’s the best way to describe my work, my atti­tude, and my desire to cre­ate artis­tic wed­ding imagery.  Becom­ing a pro­fes­sional wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher was not some­thing I chose.  Pho­tog­ra­phy chose me.I began pho­tograph­ing wed­dings pri­mar­ily because I was drawn to the open dis­plays of emo­tions on a wed­ding day.  I con­sider myself a ‘seeker of truth’ at wed­dings– search­ing intently for those rare and inti­mate moments between loved ones.  This search has not only defined my style of pho­tog­ra­phy, but has also guided my pas­sion and become the dri­ving force behind what I con­sider my great­est obsession.Each and every wed­ding I have pho­tographed has given me the oppor­tu­nity to bear wit­ness and play a part in the most near and dear moments in a couple’s life together.  The depth of that real­iza­tion still over­whelms me today.It is only through my con­nec­tion with oth­ers that I can cre­ate time­less images that fuse fine-art, por­trai­ture and doc­u­men­tary pho­tog­ra­phy.  We lis­ten to our cou­ples and mesh our cre­ative ideas to cre­ate the stun­ning images.Today, the deci­sion in choos­ing a wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher has never been more dif­fi­cult. The dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion has allowed so many new pho­tog­ra­phers to enter this ever grow­ing field. My work is not about mar­ket­ing hype or Pho­to­shop manip­u­la­tion. I don’t attempt to pose you into some­one who I think you should be. My goal is to cap­ture the essence of who you are by cap­tur­ing your day nat­u­rally– through an artis­tic inter­pre­ta­tion of your day along with some of the best of the tra­di­tional aspects of wed­ding photography.We are based in River­side County but are avail­able for travel world­wide.  Our style has made me one of the top pho­tog­ra­phers in the River­side and Los Ange­les area.  We would be hon­ored to share your beau­ti­ful day with you.


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