Unitarian Universalist Church

Belfast, Maine, United States | Church


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Membership in the UU Church of Belfast is a personal commitment to participate in a process of sharing your talents, your resources, and your energy with others in a quest that is spiritual as well as practical; personal as well as social; individual as well as institutional. Membership in the UU Church of Belfast reflects a commitment to uphold the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism* and to support our mission and programs. Only members have the opportunity to vote on important congregational issues.When you decide to join the UU Church of Belfast, it will be an important moment for you and for us. We consider membership to be an honor and we will do all we can to help you to feel welcome, to make friends, and to continue your spiritual journey. In order to support our church{s mission and vitality, we hope you will engage in programs that are meaningful to you through your active participation and financial stewardship.


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