Sweet Season Bed & Breakfast & Catering
Blowing Rock, North Carolina, United States | Accomodations / Bed & Breakfast

Bed & Breakfast is located in the private sector of Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock, NC. Chetola Resort is adjacent to Moses Cone Trails & Bass Lake. Just a short walk into town. Enjoy an elegant and peaceful setting located on a stream which is the headwaters of the New River. Ammenities include a full breakfast served at 9 a.m. daily, hot tub, country gardens, cable TV , cheese & wine served in each room, all rooms have a seperate entry and private baths. Choose from The Garden House, The Arbor Room, The Studio Apartment, or The Main House. For more information, please visit our websites: B&B- www.sweetseasonbb.com Catering