First Baptist Church Of Bolingbrook

Bolingbrook, Illinois, United States | Church


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God is the creator of all things. He is perfectly holy and worthy of all our worship and he will punish sin because he is just. All people, though created good, have become sinful by nature and by choice. From birth, all of us are alienated from God, hostile to God, and rebelling against God. Therefore, all people are subject to the wrath of God and deserve eternal separation from God. But God loves us. Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to bear God{s wrath in the place of all who would believe in him, and rose from the grave in order to give his people forgiveness and eternal life. God calls everyone everywhere to turn from our sins and trust in Christ in order to be saved. This salvation is a gift that Christ alone has accomplished and Christ alone can offer to us. We are not saved because of our good works, but only by God{s grace, through faith.


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