Huber Joe Family Farm Orchard Restaurant

Borden, Indiana, United States | Restaurant Supplies


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		 		Joseph Huber, Sr. (fourth generation) and his wife Mary, Purchased what is now the Joe Huber Family Farm in 1926. They became the proud parents of eleven children while they raised cattle and chickens. Mary dressed the chickens as needed for lunch and supper and the boys milked the cows daily. Back then, many of the farm hands resided at the farmhouse with the rest of the family during harvest, and Mary prepared three full meals each day for all. Eggs were fried up fresh from the barnyard for breakfast and everyone loved Grandma Mary’s chicken and dumplings for lunch. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, a variety of fresh vegetables from the garden, homemade rolls, fresh fruit pies and cobblers weren’t unusual fare for supper.		 	


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