Expedition Log Homes of Tri-States
Branchville, New Jersey, United States | General Contractors (Construction)

Larry Braun has been involved with the Log Home Planning and Buildingindustry since 1984. He will work with you during the initial concept phase,blueprint review, and any other pre-construction and early constructionundertakings to help you realize your dream. Once you finalize yourdecision, he will assist you with the order and delivery process to ensure thetransition to your Building Contractor is smooth. ReferencesYou will likely visit a number of our homes, by appointment, during yourdecision process and have the opportunity to communicate with thehomeowners. Industry related references are available upon request. Beforeyou buy a log home, choose a manufacturer that is a Log Home Councilmember.©2008 - Cindy Braun trilogs.com all rights reservedHome Plan Review ServiceOne of the many services provided by a Manufacturers Representative andtheir Dealer Associates is to assist buyers with their log home dream. Thereview process can also result with suggestions that may lower constructioncosts or improve the integrity and livability of your floor plan. To best utilizethis service, send your home plan or sketch to us and include an estimate ofyour building budget, exclusive of land costs. Your budget has a majorimpact on the home{s final design and we will do our best to cover yourneeds while maintaining your budget.Log Home Building and EducationIf this is your first log home and you intend to do much of the work your self,we offer education and consulting services to support you with your project. Classes are based on seasonal demand from this New Jersey Log HomeBuilder with a focus on the Expedition Log Homes package. If you alreadyhave a Building Contractor for your project, we can offer on-site education toassist them on a case by case basis.Learn more about log home living andlog home designs.