Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Bremerton, Vermont, United States | Church


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Welcome to the website of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Bremerton Washington.We are committed to the teachings and study of the Gospel and to proclaiming Christ as our Savior as we reach out in service to all people with faith, hope, love and enthusiasm.Emmanuel Lutheran Church is a member of the American Association of Lutheran Churches.We believe that God has revealed Himself to the world through Jesus Christ. His Son. We can know God through the written Word, the Holy Scriptures.The Bible is God{s inerrant, infallible and inspired Word.We also believe that God can be personally experienced. Through the Holy Spirit, God comes to us and fills us with His love, His Forgiveness, and His power for daily living.If it is your desire to share a personal and eternal relationship with God, and to learn to know Him better through a study of His Word, we invite you to share in the life and ministry of Emmanuel Lutheran Church.


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