A Vibrant Health Chiropractic Care

Brooklyn, New York, United States | Doctor Chiropractor


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We have developed a system for detecting and correcting Subluxation.  Each person is different so we tailor a program specific to the individuals goals, desires, and current condition.   Key factors in determining a course of care include physical, mental/emotional, and nutritional/chemical condition,  overall stress level, history of stress, and commitment to achieving the desired outcome.In order to reach these goals as quickly and efficiently as possible we use the cutting edge of technology and techniques:Specific and Gentle Chiropractic Adjustments,  Percussion,  Cold Laser,  Color Therapy, Sound Therapy,  Audio Technology, Sacral Occipital Technique,  Neuro-Emotional Technique,  Quantum Collapse,  Nutritional Balancing,  Detoxification Pathway Clearing, Allergy/Sensitivity Elimination Retraining Technique,  Cranial Release,  and more.Dr. Dan and Vibrant Health continue to seek out the latest developments in the healing arts and integrate them into the course of care.


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