Amazing Decks USA Inc.
Burbank, California, United States | Doors/Windows (Sales, Services, Repairs)

From Bolivia to your backyard, Amazing Decks USA Inc. brings homeowners the highest quality Outdoor Fooring, and the luxury of installing a beautiful tropical hardwood floor practically in minutes, or a few hours (depending on the size of your patio).Based in Burbank, California, Amazing Decks USA Inc. distributes the highest quality in Outdoor Flooring, for customers in the United States and is part of the Diamond Essence distribution Network. Amazing Decks USA Inc. is an Agent for the United States for Bellus Traba International S.R.L. headquartered in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Their DIY-friendly products give homeowners the opportunity to beautify their patio, balcony etc. increasing the value of their home with minimal time and energy.Amazing Decks USA Inc, believes in a personalized attention and service, our staff is here to answer any questions and give you the best possible service and attention to your decking needs.