Absolute Zero Refrigeration
Cameron Park, California, United States | Heating/Air Conditioning (Sales, Services, Repairs)

Free One Year Service Contract ON ALL OF YOUR HVAC & APPLIANCE COMPONENTS!That{s right. No purchase necessary! Just complete the form on the left and you will receive confirmation via email. Share this page with your friends on Facebook so that they can get a FREE One Year Service Contract too!With This Contract, You{ll Receive No Service Call Fee ($120 Value) for One Full Year on All of Your Heating and A/C Components, We{ll Diagnose, Then You Decide. Must be in the following areas (cameron park, shingle springs, el dorado hills. folsom) 10% Discount on All Repairs*Free Service Call valid during normal business hours of Monday through Friday 8 to 5. Offer valid for those 18 years of age and older. Must be a homeowner.