Holistic dentistry San Diego

Carlsbad, California, United States | Doctor Dentist


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Holistic Dentistry is the diagnosing, treating and caring for the whole patient rather than just the patient’s teeth and gums. The dentist views the patient from a broad perspective; including the patient’s physical, mental/emotional, spiritual aspects and all outside influences that affect this patient. They believe and teach that your dental health is an integral part of your overall well-being and vice-a-versa. Healthy living and balance in mind, body, and spirit are the focus, not just the teeth and gums. Diagnosis involves listening carefully to the patient, a comprehensive health examination, an open dialogue between the dentist and patient, and appropriate health testing and digital X-rays.For example, when diagnosing cavities, a holistic dentist goes beyond just a clinical exam and X-rays.  A holistic dentist finds the root causes of the problems, teaches and trains the patient in healthy living habits and partners with the patient to correct the imbalances and prevent future problems.This is important, as new research is confirming, because the primary cause of cavities is a body imbalance not sugar and bacteria on the teeth. We see that the balance of the body is the focus of all diagnosing, treatments, and prevention in holistic health care. This new research (See “Amazing Facts” blog for details) proves that an imbalance in the body’s hypothalamus gland and the resulting decrease in parotid gland hormones are the primary causes of cavities. Not until the body’s imbalance of nutrition to the teeth, to thrive and repair, happens do you start to get a cavity.


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