Center For Spiritual Evolution

Cary, Illinois, United States | Church


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Rev. Anne S. Muelleman founded The McHenry County Church of Religious Science in January of 1998 to minister and teach Religious Science in her community. Her decision to pioneer the church came from her the deep conviction of the importance to all of establishing a personal connection with the God, Divine Presence to be found within us.Rev. Anne has a strong and unique background in New Thought having been born into a family of metaphysicians. Her mother, a student of Unity taught Anne the importance of prayer at an early age. Most influential were the teachings of her uncle, Dr. Hugh G. Carruthers, founder of The Theological Science Society, a organization which distributes his teachings [based on the Ancient Wisdom] in the form of monthly lessons. Anne spent twenty years in So. California working in the film industry and public relations. While in California she pursued a variety of metaphysical studies.


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