Gentle Family Dental Care

Columbus, Ohio, United States | Doctor Dentist


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Gentle Family Dental Care, based in Columbus, OH, is a full-service family and cosmetic dental practice, serving patients of all ages. Let Dr. Shawn Shaver, Dr. James Aust, and the Gentle Family Team make you feel right at home - patient comfort is what we care about the most!Does the thought of going to the dentist make you anxious?  Rest assured, we can help!  Click here to learn more about Sedation Dentistry, which we offer at no additional fee!Many of our patients have not seen a dentist in years or  have had a previous bad dental experience. All are thrilled to find out that it is now possible to have virtually any dental work accomplished, comfortably, often in only a few visits. And you might not even have any memory of those visits with the help of sedation dentistry.


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