Mount Saint Benedict Monastery

Crookston, Minnesota, United States | Church


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Nestled into a beautiful woodland setting. Surrounded by the Red Lake River. Mount Saint Benedict has been a part of the Crookston landscape since 1920.Benedictines are men or women who choose a life of prayer and work and live in a monastic community. The word monastic comes from the word “monos” which means “one.” Monastics are those who seek God single-heartedly and who enter a community that will help them do so. Mount Saint Benedict Monastery is such a place.We are Benedictine sisters who live according to the Rule of Saint Benedict, written in the sixth century by Saint Benedict of Nursia, founder of Western monasticism. Over the years, Benedictinism has adapted to the culture of the times while retaining the heart of Benedict{s teachings: seeking God, welcoming the stranger, living in community, cultivating a life of common and personal prayer, loving community members and, above all, preferring nothing to the love of Christ.


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