
Dallas Chiropractor Ricky Hanks, DC at Hanks Chiropractic Center is one of the best chiropractors in the Dallas area specializing in Chiropractic care and wellness.  Dr. Ricky Hanks is a chiropractor committed to providing pain relief for many symptoms and conditions so that you can have a higher quality of life. Specializing in Postural correction, Diversified, and Thompson, Hanks Chiropractic offers Chiropractic care, diagnostic services, therapeutic massage and the most advanced state-of-the-art physiotherapies available including decompression, active therapeutic movement (ATM2), and laser therapy.Hanks Chiropractic Center was established in 1999.  Dr. Ricky Hanks was destined to be a Doctor of Chiropractic from the time he was a little boy growing up in Lake Highlands, a suburb of Dallas, Texas.  The first sign of his destiny was his gift for always wanting to help others. His love for Chiropractic started in the tenth grade at Lake Highlands High School.  As the athletic trainer for the football team, he worked with athletes suffering from sports injuries.  It was at that time, a friend introduced him to a Chiropractic doctor who taught Dr. Hanks about a different kind of healing.  After high school, Dr. Hanks completed his prerequisite hours and was accepted as a student at the Parker College of Chiropractic and earned his degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 1986.  As a Doctor of Chiropractic, he worked as an associate in clinical practice for 12 years in South Texas.  In 1999, Dr. Hanks returned to the Dallas and Lake Highlands{ area and opened Hanks Chiropractic Center.Dr. Ricky Hanks has been freeing people from pain in the clinic in Dallas, TX.  As a Chiropractor with experience, Dr. Hanks is committed to promoting optimal health and well being of patients. Dr. Hanks uses a "whole person approach."  This approach to wellness means looking for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function.  Using this unique approach, Dr. Hanks is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.


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