Einhorn Harris Ascher Barbarito & Frost, PC
Denville, New Jersey, United States | Attorney (Legal Services)

Founded in 1961, Einhorn Harris Ascher Barbarito & Frost, PC is now celebrating more than 50 years of legal service to businesses, families and individuals in New Jersey. We take pride in providing individualized attention to meet our clients’ legal needs.Our many attorneys practice across a wide range of disciplines including family law, criminal defense, business and employment, trust and estates/taxation, real estate and zoning and personal injury law. While each of our attorneys has their own area of concentration, they work together on cases when legal issues overlap.Our firm handles a spectrum of cases—from the straightforward to the complex. Regardless of the size of the case, each client receives the same level of excellent legal counsel. In complicated cases, the knowledge, skill and experience of a partner is often leveraged with the collaboration of an associate lawyer to ensure that the matter is handled in the most cost-effective manner possible.Our large matrimonial department consists of an experienced team who work together to tackle cases in a straightforward, compassionate, and cost effective manner. Throughout our history, our lawyers have given their time and experience to enhance the practice of law. Patricia M. Barbarito, Bonnie C. Frost, Thomas J. Snyder, and Ivette R. Alvarez have all been Chairman of the New Jersey State Bar Association{s Family Law Section. Additionally, in a first for any New Jersey Law Firm, two members of the firm, Patricia M. Barbarito & Bonnie C. Frost, have been awarded the prestigious Saul A. Tischler Award for Lifetime Contribution to Family Law by the Family Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently honored two of the firm’s attorneys with leadership appointments. Andrew S. Berns was appointed chairman of the State Ethics Committee and Gary R. Botwinick was appointed to the New Jersey Israel Commission.- See more at: http://www.einhornharris.com/about-us/#sthash.lNwL4evA.dpuf