Haddam Neck Covenant Church

East Hampton, Connecticut, United States | Church


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As HNCC has seen many changes in the 110 years since our founding as Swedish immigrant families living in the local area, we now carry an identity that is community-based and enjoy a fellowship of people of wide diverse backgrounds.  We{re situated in a quiet rural setting at 17 Haddam Neck Road yet our experiences together are far from reserved.  Those who find here an easy to embrace faith-home, also find a lively, family-focused and spirit-filled community whose central purpose is sharing God{s gracious invitation to a new life through Jesus Christ.  Joy, human connection, and genuine caring are what define us.  We easily acknowledge our imperfections, and equally embrace graciousness toward others.  Here, you are free to be unique and yourself and to join us on this journey of learning that is life-long. This lifelong pursuit at HNCC includes many paths such as Sunday School which is held during the school year at 9:00 AM for all ages, children to adults.  You{ll also find Bible-based study groups and fellowship groups that are open to all.  A current and relevant youth "Confirmation" class is available.  We offer an Inquirer{s class for any who are curious about this church and denomination and how it is addressing 21st century needs.


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