
At CBC we seek to "Equip Saints for the Work of the Ministry." Many people believe that the church service is simply to spread  the salvation message week after week. While the gospel is of great emphasis at CBC, the New Testament illustrates that the local church service is primarily for the believer (Eph. 4:11-16). That is why we seek to equip the saints for their personal ministry throughout the week as they go into the community serving the Lord. As our verse says, "Those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again."Calvary Bible Church grew rapidly during the next three years and consequently, a building program was planned.  This plan included moving, in December 1971, to a newly constructed meeting place on the southern edge of Ellerslie as seen in the picture on the home page.The Calvary Bible Church story goes on as the Lord continues to bless us.  And for this we are thankful to Him and give Him all the glory!


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