Fairhope Avenue Baptist Church

Fairhope, Alabama, United States | Church


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Fairhope Avenue Baptist Church is a small, but growing, traditional, yet vibrant, Southern Baptist Church.  If you are in need of a church home, we invite you to come to a service and experience our joyful choir and welcoming congregation.  Fairhope Avenue Baptist Church initially began as a small mission of First Baptist Church of Fairhope under the ministry of the late H. B. Shepherd.  On October 15, 1967, the mission was constituted into a church with 161 people in attendance.  Today, the church plant consists of a beautiful sanctuary, an office complex, a youth center, and a family life center, which includes a dining area, nursery, spacious classrooms, a choir room, and additional restrooms.  God{s blessings have been bountiful upon this church family as they continue to faithfully serve the Lord and obey His Holy Word!


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