Florence, South Carolina, United States | Church


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HISTORY OF FIRST FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH OF FLORENCE, S.C In June of 1951 a tent revival began. The tent was located on the Charleston Highway near Mt. Hope Cemetery. Rev. Charles Thigpen was the evangelist for the meeting. God blessed mightily during this revival. A cloudburst late one afternoon brought the tent down, and it seemed that the service would have to be canceled that evening. However, the determination of a few made it possible to go on with the meeting. Many were saved and many lives rededicated. On June 17, 1951 the charter members met at the Gospel Tent for the purpose of formerly organizing a church in the city of Florence. The following are some notes from the minutes at the very first meeting of the church. "After a short song service led by Bro. Reedy Severance, Rev. E.C. Williams led the congregation in prayer. Bro. Charles Thigpen read the Scripture, taken from Matthew 16: 13-18. Prayer was offered by Rev. L. A. Holiday, President of the State Association. Rev. Seldon Bullard called the roll of 51 members. The church covenant was read and adopted after which a prayer of consecration was offered by Rev. Paul Ketteman. The right hand of fellowship was extended by all ministers present to the members of the church.


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