Fort Laramie American Grill

Fort Laramie, Wyoming, United States | Restaurants


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Welcome to the Fort Laramie American Grill  /  Restaurant & Bakery website . . . Also known as "The Flag-Café" and thank you for visiting with us . . . We are located in Southeast Wyoming, in Goshen County, in the Town of Fort Laramie, and have become a very popular "family-friendly" place to dine, offering Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner . . . "We Are Fort Laramie{s Oldest Family-Owned Restaurant & Bakery" . . . With our extensive menu selections including; Beef, Buffalo, Fish, Pork, Poultry & Seafood, as well as, our many, various "Off-Menu-Daily-Specials" . . . We can satisfy almost any appetite!


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