High Quality Custom Design Inc.
Fort Lee, New Jersey, United States | Automotive (Sales, Services, Repairs)

As a manufacture HQ complies with all the Federal laws and regulations under the NHTSA requirements of CFR 49 Part 566.We are qualified and register to do Government Jobs our CAGE# 6JA36HQ Custom Design has earned a loyal following an exceptional reputation for innovative design that is both fresh and timeless. For better than 20 years, HQ Custom Design has earned an international reputation for building the most comfortable, thoroughly appointed and professional finished conversions available. Which is why private, corporate and government clients worldwide – contact HQ Custom Design when only the best will do.HQ successfully combines rich traditions and keen style of famous European carmakers with the most progressive and sophisticated technology available to man. Our craftsmanship is unparallel; our attention to details is legendary. We at HQ Custom Design do not rely on the functionality and stability of any existing manufactured electronically components we in house design, develop and build all our hardware and software systems that we incorporate into each of our vehicles. This way we can custom tailor each vehicle electronics system to the individual needs of our customers and there exacting requirements.In today{s extremely competitive custom conversion industry HQ Custom Design team took a different approach, rather than produce cookie cutter bland limousines or somewhat modular nonfunctional mobile offices, we decided to create a vehicles and level of refinement that is by no means main stream. The approach was to take the best that all forms of transportation have previously offered and combine them together to create what we at HQ refer "The Most Luxuries and Advance Mobile Office on Wheels."