Gold Canyon Candles & Home Decor
Fort Mill, South Carolina, United States | Interior Design (Remodelling, Furnishings)

Hey There! I am Christy Martell-Duckett with Gold Canyon Candles, Home Decor and All Natural Cleaning Products!We donate a portion of all our proceeds to the Prayer Child Foundation and Gold Canyon has raised over 2.4 million dollars to help make a difference in the lives of children with physical and emotional challenges. We also do fundraisers and Gold Canyon has raised over 31.8 million dollars for organizations that mean the most to you.Gold Canyon Candles have a double zinc-core wick that burns slowly while letting off a huge fragrance within minutes of the candle being lit. There is NO wasted... wax! Gold Canyon Candles truly are the {World{s Finest!{ at a reasonable price with a long lasting burn time the fragrance will travel thru your whole house! Are you interested in earning free product and discounted items?? Host a Party Today! You can even have a catalog party and still earn hostess rewards! Having a candle party is so much fun!!! Maybe u r looking for to earn an extra income? I truly believe in the Gold Canyon Products! This is the first time in my life I can honestly say; I love my job! Every day it is an adventure, not only do I make extra money but also new friends! And it cost me absolutely NOTHING for start up! That{s right! If you would like more info. on hosting a party or joining my me today! If you do not live nearby, you can order online at my website!I cannot wait to share with you all of the wonderful opportunites Gold Canyon has to offer!