Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church

Fort Pierce, Georgia, United States | Church


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Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church denomination and as such is committed to the historic Christian Faith as taught in the Bible and summarized as a system of doctrine by our secondary standards, The Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism.John 3:16Covenant refers to the Covenant of Grace, which is God’s promise of Salvation to all who trust in Jesus Christ for Salvation from the guilt of sin and its attendant misery and death, the curse of the Biblical Fall.Reformed refers to our theological heritage as coming from the 16th century Protestant Reformation, a movement seeking to purify the church and make it radically biblical.Presbyterian refers to our form of church government, which is rule by the biblical word Presbyters or Elders.Orthodox in our denomination’s name means straight doctrine.


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