NAF Multicultural Human Development
Grand Island, Nebraska, United States | Associations/Clubs/Non-profits

About Us... PROJECT: National Farmworkers Jobs Program SERVICE AREA: State of Nebraska In July 1, 2000 this grant changed from the Job Training Partnership Act, Title IV, Section 402 to what we currently call the NFJP, WIA 167. The purpose of this grant remains the same, but the way in which we work with other organizations may change in location to location. With the process of this grant we will be working together with other agencies on the "One Stop" sites and a common intake form. The principle of this grant is the process of upgrading the academic and marketable employment skills of migrant and other seasonal farmworks so that they will be able to procure full-time year round employment. While in an employment and training program, NAF will assist individuals wanting to make the transition from agricultural to non-agricultural work by helping with tuition costs for skill training, providing adult education classes, literacy instruction, a living allowance while in training, assistance in finding employment or on-the-job training. Staff also works to ensure worker rights are protected by providing referrals to legal services or enforcement agencies as needed and to ensure workers have the services they need by making referrals to other organization and agencies. A second focus of this project is to provide emergency and crisis intervention for workers in transit or upon arrival in Nebraska. This takes the form of financial assistance with housing and food, and limited funds to help with transportation/car problems and health related problems.