Tsukroff Photography

Gray, Maine, United States | Photography


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We’ve been creating portraits and photographing weddings for over 30 years, working with thousands of children and families, and over 700 brides.That experience means you’ll have a photographer who understands lighting, and who knows how to pose you to look your best! You see, it’s not just about taking natural, comfortable pictures (don’t get me wrong – we have tons of fun when we’re making your portraits!), it also about creating an image that will make you cry tears of joy when you hold the finished work in your hand.We work hard to make sure everything is perfect for your portraits and wedding photography . . . hair, makeup, clothing.It’s this attention to detail that sets us apart from other photographers.And it’s this attention to detail that you’ll enjoy from the moment you contact us to book your photography.Nathan began his career as a writer and photojournalist with a small daily newspaper in Connecticut, and has specialized in weddings and portraits for more than 30 years.


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