Christ United Methodist Church

Groton, Connecticut, United States | Church


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At Christ United Methodist Church, we are called to mirror Jesus{ actions in celebrating diversity and practicing equality in all Church activities. We welcome those of all ages, races, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and political ideologies. We mutually pledge to embrace our differences in abilities, opinions, and backgrounds, and combine them to do God{s work in the world.Christ United Methodist Church is a family of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We accept Christ{s call to proclaim the gospel in word and deed by our activities, prayer, worship and fellowship, and by our activities in the world, providing a ministry of compassion in the name of Jesus Christ. Christ United Methodist Church will reach out and receive all persons in love, just as they are, inviting them to believe in Jesus Christ and to respond to Him by becoming members of His church. We seek to provide a context for personal Christian growth, equipping us to live as the people of God in the world, and empowering us to minister to those in need. This witness ultimately leads to discipleship that combines devotion to God with compassion for others.


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