Prince of Peace Lutheran Church & Early Learning Center
Hamburg, New Jersey, United States | Childcare

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is a work in progress, God is still teaching us all that we must be for him. We came together as a Missouri Synod congregation in 1963 and set apart to be a people of God, giving witness to His love for the world in Jesus Christ. We worshiped in the Hardyston Township school until 1970 when we were able to build the present sanctuary. Since the mid 1970s we have been privileged to minister to children through the work of our preschool, now called the Early Learning Center (ELC).We come together for worship each Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM. Sunday School and Bible Class follow at 10:30. Bible study opportunities are offered during the week, and these change from time to time as needs dictate. The current offerings are listed on the church calendar and in the Sunday bulletin. We would love for you to join us in our journey of faith.