Bill O{Shea{s Florist and Gifts

Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, United States | Florists


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After dedicating their lives to their passion for flowers, this husband & wife team, John & Linda Kosakowski, are the new owners of Bill O’Shea’s Florist. After working at the shop for more than 30 years, contributing to its success, they have purchased the business with the intent of keeping past traditions alive as well as creating new exciting ones of their own.As a member of the Hasbrouck Heights Chamber of Commerce, John serves on several committees, contributing to community life. He and Linda are also very active in Rutherford NJ, where they have made their home for the past 23 years with their 4 children.Visit John & Linda and their talented staff at Bill O’Shea’s Florist, where Quality & Service is their priority.


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