Elaine{s Florist & Gift Baskets

Houston, Texas, United States | Florists


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Elaine Oulsey-Nevarez has always been a lover of flowers. That passion for Mother Nature{s bewitching bouquets has inspired Elaine to become one of the most elite, sought-after and respected florists in Houston. She honed her business savvy in the corporate world prior to opening her Houston Florist business in 1992. When she found her department transferred to Dallas, Elaine felt it was time to putdown roots and stay in the city she loved, Houston.In June of 1992, Elaine{s Florist officially blossomed into life. With a team of experienced and passionate designers, Elaine{s Florist has become one of the city{s foremost floral businesses, producing beautiful, long-lasting arrangements. Elaine is certified by the State of Texas as a "Woman Owned Business" and was also nominated as "Woman Business Entrepreneur of the Year" for 1999 and 2001.


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