
In 1997, Attorney K. Martin Kuny founded Kuny Law Office with the mission of delivering high-quality legal guidance and representation to clients across Independence, Blue Springs, Lee’s Summit, Eastern Jackson County, and the Kansas City Metro Area of Missouri.


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Reviews - 1

Mark Sherman

Martin Kuny might be the worst attorney in the Jackson County area. The Paul Walter review is spot on about his demeanor towards his clients. I personally experienced it. When I was trying to express to him, a concern I had, he actually said why are we talking about this? I brought it to his attention twice that my ex had not turned in her financial information in discovery. He ignored it. He took me to mediation without her, turning in her financial information to negotiate maintenance payments!!!!! Then he emailed me afterwards and told me that her financial information would not make a difference with my decision on maintenance!! I kid you not! I expressed to him in my initial consultation I wanted no maintenance .He was in the mediation room arguing for $1700 plus a month for maintenance. On top of that, he literally begged me to take a deal. At that point one must ask who is Martin representing. When I tried to back out of the deal, he used fear mongering to control it. His billing changed after I argued with him and he nailed me with an extremely high bill. Another thing I noticed after I would express something to Martin Kuny it would show up in Opposing counsel emails. Which leads me to believe he does practice client confidentiality. This happened multiple times. So if you want an attorney, that will not fight for you, will not listen to you, and work against you. Martin is your man.

14 January 2024

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