Highlands Precious Gifts Preschool

Jacksonville, Georgia, United States | Childcare


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As you can see in our Parent{s Handbook, we thatchildren learn best through play.At HPGP, thatchildren learn best through play.At HPGP, weutilize a developmental curriculum published byHIGH REACH LEARNING.  Our days are spentparticipating in activities such as painting withbrushes, hands, feet, Q-tips,  marbles orwhatever other interesting tools we come across.  Artistic masterpieces are engineered withvarious materials such as paper, beads, buttons,floam, craft sticks, cotton balls and plenty ofpaint and glue.  When we are not busy creating, weread, read, read.  The children are immersed in aprint-rich environment that helps with literacyconcepts.  Through all this fun, the children areactually working on key developmental areas suchas hand-eye coordination, fine motor skilldevelopment, math concepts such as patterning,sequencing, sizing and measuring; pre-readingskills such as listening and responding,comprehension and linking spoken language towritten language.  More importantly, they aredeveloping the social and emotional tools that willready them to make that big leap to Kindergarten.So, if your child comes home from preschool andyou ask, "What did you do at preschool today?"  The best answer he or she can give you is


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