Snowbird Photography

katy, Texas, United States | Photography


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I have had a love of photography since about the age of 5.  My dad was a photographer for a police department.  He shot crimes scenes. As you can imagine, taking pictures of tragedies every day took a toll.  In order to escape from the scenes he saw on a daily basis, he would drive out onto country roads and take pictures of windmills, clouds, whatever caught his eye.  One night, when I was about 5 years old, we had a thunderstorm coming in.  He grabbed his camera and went outside.  I followed him to see what he was doing and he was pointing his camera up toward the dark sky.  His timing was incredible.  He just seemed to know every time the lightening was going to streak across the sky.  He put the huge camera into my tiny hands and told me what to do.  When it was finally time for me to "push the button", I held it down and went through probably 1/2 of the roll of film.  He had a loud roar of a laugh, and I can still hear him laughing about that.    Fast forward to 2009.  I was given my first nice camera as a gift.  That was it.  I was hooked.  I was constantly taking pictures.  In October of 2010, I was given the opportunity to quit my job and pursue photography.  Since then, I have been in several gallery exhibitions, shot for magazines, websites, done equestrian shoots, weddings, traveled to shoot architecture, and of course, experimented with different types of portrait photography.  With every shot I take, I want people to see how I see the world.  Hopefully I can convey a different perspective than what people would normally see.


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