Texas Chiropractic & Wellness

katy, Texas, United States | Doctor Chiropractor


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Chiropractor Charles ParraBecause of an interest in sports and bodybuilding Dr Parra was always inspired to improve his health and performance. He discovered Chiropractic could provide musculoskeletal relief of aches and pain along with natural healing through nutritional counseling.His experience with Chiropractic led him to achieve A Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. While working as a nutritionist in the pharmaceutical industry and completing a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology, Dr Parra decided to become a Chiropractor to offer a natural alternative to the conventional medical model of healthcare.Since receiving his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree in 1988 Dr Parra has helped hundreds of people in Katy realize natural pain relief, spinal correction, improved health, weight loss, and observable well being with Chiropractic care.


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