Chiropractor at Riverview Chiropractic Health
Kenmore, New York, United States | Doctor Chiropractor

Riverview Chiropractic Health has been serving the greater Buffalo area for over 40 years! Many generations of families have received healing and moved toward a wellness approach to health through Chiropractic; we are dedicated to helping you and your family make healthy choices. Our office offers the following services for your healthcare needs: Chiropractic care Massage Therapy BioMeridian Energetic Allergy Testing ReflexologyFor many years now, Chiropractors have stood apart from the other healthcare professions as providers of a preventative wellness alternative for a healthy lifestyle, not just a mere removal of symptoms. By the detection of joints that are not moving properly, Doctors of Chiropractic can restore function to those joints and increase your body{s healing potential. As a former Riverview patient herself, Dr. Pais realized the awesome healing potential of Chiropractic when she was just a teenager. Since then, it has become her focus to help educate people how they can lead healthy, happy and active lifestyles through wellness care.From tension headaches to migraines, weekend warrior low back pain to disc problems, childhood ear aches to pregnancy related discomfort and everything in between, Dr. Sasha Pais can evaluate your current health status and help formulate a plan with you to return you to optimal health. If you{ve never experienced the benefits of Chiropractic care and are unsure as to whether or not it can help you, Dr. Pais is always available to take your call and answer your questions or concerns; better yet, call and schedule a free consultation to speak with her in person!