Tongass Federal Credit Union

Ketchikan, Alaska, United States | Credit Union


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Founded in 1963 by a group of teachers and public employees, and soon joined by hospital workers, Tongass Federal Credit Union in the early days had humble beginnings. Originally it was a desk in the School Superintendent’s Office, as members pooled their money to provide capital (savings) and made loans to each other. This concept of “People-Helping-People” still drives credit unions today as not-for profit financial cooperatives.Since we received our community charter from The National Credit Union Administration in 2001, we have been honored to continue building our operations and services by expanding credit union access to the people of Southern Southeast Alaska.  New branches have been opened in Metlakatla, Thorne Bay and Klawock.  All were by the invitation of community leaders who recognized the need for credit union services in their communities.


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