Leesville Church Of Christ

Leesville, Louisiana, United States | Church


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Yet those of us who have been baptized into Christ, by doing so, have committed to wholeheartedly take on the command that Christ has issued for us to be perfect like our heavenly Father is- which includes reaching out to brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors, and even enemies in love.  We have trusted the grace He has freely given to us.That{s who we are- otherwise normal people trying to live a life of gratitude to God as we trust His promise, guided by His Word, His Spirit, and His Church.  Part of the commitment we make upon becoming part of the Body is to gather with other believers to remember Jesus Christ- whose body was broken for us and whose blood was shed for us- and to worship God together, and to exhort and encourage our brothers, and to receive the same blessings from them.  Letting go of divisive proprietary theologies and creeds and the false senses of superiority that come with those, we seek God{s will simply and directly, so as to do, to the best of our ability, His will in our lives.


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