Century Aesthetics : Peter B. Fodor MD FACS

Los Angeles, California, United States | Health Care Treatment


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Many patients think of tummy tucks and liposuction as fat-loss procedures, but this is incorrect. These procedures are designed, ideally, for patients who have lost as much weight as possible, but cannot lose weight in certain areas. "There are people who work out conscientiously, but their bodies do not produce the rippling of the stomach, or a pronounced 6 pack," explains Dr. Fodor. "When diet and exercise aren{t enough, we can use liposuction to remove some of the lingering fat, and sculpt the area in order to bring those muscles out." Dr. Fodor notes that as long as a patient has a low amount of fat above the muscles, he can utilize liposuction to sculpt the fat in the direction of the muscle lines.


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