Jim Milnes Cleaning Svc
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States | Cleaning Services (Commercial, Residential)

At Jim Milnes Cleaning Services, Inc., [JMCS] we realize a successful business relationship is achieved through excellent customer satisfaction which forms the foundation of our company{s philosophy. We have been in business for more than 30 years. Our return clients are a large part of our business. Some of our regular clients have been with us for 10 years or more. JMCS full line of services include cleaning restrooms, walls, and windows. We shampoo or extract carpets and have a DuPont Master Series certification. Our Industrial Services include strip seal and finish of cement, tile, mosaic or marble floors. All floors can be finished to almost new, if not new condition. We can also provide you with cleaning products and supplies and customize our duties to your industrial/commercial/residential needs.