
I want to introduce myself and my family so you know a little about us. I am a single mom of two amazing kids, one grown daughter and one son that still lives at home. I have always wanted to be a photographer since I first held one in my hand when I was very young. When I was nine I wanted to become a National Geographic photographer. At 14 I went and spoke with an instructor at Henderson State University and said there would be no problem taking their photography course or any of their courses I needed. I was elated until I realized I had no income or transportation. Ultimately my life took a different path when I got married, had children, and put everything aside. It wasn{t until my baby was nearly grown before I had an opportunity to enroll in New York Institute of Photography last spring where I am currently a student. I hope to complete my courses and receive my diploma soon. This has been one of my many goals to complete. I started out photographing anything in nature that caught my eye trying to decide what path I wanted to take as a photographer. In the beginning I couldn{t narrow my interest so I decided I would start selling most of my work as fine art on glicee and canvas. I took the advice of a lot of modern professional photographers studying their work and how to run a studio before I chose to open my own portrait studio with the help of my son, Matthew. I{ve always been interested in art and theater and decided to combine them with photography to create Fantasy Portrait Studio. I have a growing selection of themes for children and will be expanding for additional props and costumes for adults. I{m the only local photographer who has a completely mobile studio that can be set up in almost any home. Your portraits will look like you went to a professional studio without ever leaving your home. It takes less time and less space than you might think. I also shoot highly demanded location portraiture and now have a full professional studio in my home with props and accessories too large for travel. Contact me for more details.


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