Mannington Main Street, Inc
Mannington, West Virginia, United States | Associations/Clubs/Non-profits

Mannington is a proud mountain town with an extraordinarily rich history that began with some of the earliest exploration and settlement of north-central West Virginia. In the late 1800s, Mannington became the center of a major coal boom that lasted well into the early part of the 20th Century. Some of our mines are still in operation today. Back in the day, local “robber barons” accumulated riches from the earth that most of us can only imagine. But now we’re in the midst of a new boom in oil and gas production. And we’re looking forward to a bright and shining future for all. The soil beneath us still holds large energy reserves, and the land we walk upon remains astoundingly beautiful. We continue to live surrounded by the West Virginia hills, “how majestic and how grand; their summits bathed in glory like our Prince Immanuel’s land.” [from a WV state song]