Cooney Financial Advisors, Inc

Marlton, New Jersey, United States | Financial Advisors


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Cooney Financial Advisors Inc is an independent, privately owned, pension advisory and financial planning firm committed to helping people pursue their financial goals by providing un-biased advice. We are dedicated to helping you, through education and advice, save for retirement by using your 401k plan and IRA accounts to your best advantage.  Our mission is to provide the kind of information and knowledge that will let you get maximum benefit out of your 401k plan and IRA savings.For 25 years we have worked with pension plans and participants as well as individual retirement accounts. We come from an accounting background, so we understand how using the tax savings from these accounts can give a boost to your retirement savings.One of the benefits of working with us is our ability to provide clear, easily understood recommendations acheiving your retirement goals. The personalized program that we can provide is a roadmap to working toward a more secure financial future.We’re looking forward to using our experience and expertise to help you navigate your way to your retirement dreams. Please call or email us if you have any questions about our firm or how we can help you use tax-advantaged savings to accumulate the money you need to live the retirement lifestyle you deserve. As an independent firm, our focus is always on providing you with the best, unbiased financial advice.


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