Today{s Dance Center
Medford Lakes, New Jersey, United States | Coaching (Personal, Sports, Business)

Today{s Dance Center is a family oriented school of dance. Celebrating 30 years, TDC offers the very finest programs for students in all art forms of dance & theater arts. From recreational to the pre-professional level, artistic director Kim O{Connor-Sparks and her staff have the necessary education and professional performance background benefitting all students. The studio{s atmosphere is based on discipline and integrity with an emphasis on correct technique for enhanced learning during class. Individual attention is offered to each student. We offer classes in Ballet, Pointe, Partnering, Variations, Character, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theater, Irish Step, For Boys only Hip-Hop, & Ballroom. Children{s classes offered are Mommy & Me (1-2 yrs), Kicks for Kids (2-3 1/2 yrs), Showcasers (3-3 1/2 yrs), and Petite Performers (3 1/2-5 yrs). Individual programs begin at 2 years of age. Our special needs program, CreateAbilities is offered on Saturday mornings. Non-Recital courses are also offered. Our Summer programs run June-August, including weekly