Faith Fellowship Church

Melbourne, Georgia, United States | Church


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Faith Fellowship is a community of believers empowered to witness, sent to shape, and called to care. Faith Fellowship connects people with God and with others in a community that is empowered for witness, sent to shape followers of Jesus, and energized to touch the world with the love of Jesus. Whenever we gather together, we come expecting to be overwhelmed by God{s presence. We respond with awe, and give Him all the glory. We leave filled with joy and love for one another; excited to tell others what God has done. The truth of God{s word is shaping us. We are becoming bolder, more joyful followers of Jesus who love to tell what He has done in our lives. We are developing our spiritual gifts and using them for Kingdom purposes. Loving, life-long relationships are being formed as we encourage one another through mentoring and small groups.


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