Ocean Air Conditioning & Heating Company
Mesa, Arizona, United States | Heating/Air Conditioning (Sales, Services, Repairs)

Ocean Air Conditioning and Heating was founded in 2001 by Mike Pickard. After nearly two decades in the heating & air conditioning industry, Mike has seen an industry that was once very service-oriented shift into one that is driven by sales. That doesn’t sit well with Mike and he continues to instill a service-over-sales standard with his technicians, running Ocean Air with sound morals and beliefs in tact.When you think of Ocean Air, don’t just think about ideal temperatures. Think about air quality, too. We take care of everything from making sure you{re a/c and heating units are working properly to cleaning air ducts and dryer vents. Our technicians don’t get paid on commission so that you always get just what you need: Honest diagnosis with honest recommendations for repair or installation of air conditioning and heating equipment.