Presbyterian Home For Children

Monticello, Arkansas, United States | Childcare


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"Oh friends, far more tragic, far more disastrous is the life of a child who is given no opportunity to discover and develop possibilities locked up within that little breast. For their welfare, material and spiritual, our Savior holds us responsible.” Words quoted by Mrs. Lulu Williamson, founder of Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Home.Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Home began as a day nursery in 1910 to care for the children of women working at the Monticello mill. The day nursery - under the care and direction of Monticello native, Mrs. Lulu Williamson - began to change to a more permanent place for children when abandoned twins were brought to Mrs. Williamson for care. As more children were left at the nursery because of family illness or poverty, Mrs. Williamson took on the project of establishing a home for the full time care of abandoned children. It was through her perseverance and efforts that the Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Home for Children was established in 1923.Owner Kevin BerryA monetary gift from Miss Vera Lloyd of Marianna, Arkansas and 1,059 acres of timberland donated by Annie B. Wells made possible the construction of the first building. Today, the Home operates on an annual $2.3 million budget and employs 38 people.The Annie B. Wells Campus provides residential housing for up to forty youth under the care of family teachers. Youth are nurtured, cared for and taught a positive family model of living. They learn independent living skills and social skills in order to secure jobs and become successful, contributing adults.Owner Kevin BerryVera Lloyd Presbyterian Home has been in continuous operation since its opening in 1923. With the continued grace of God, support from its churches, individuals and the community, Vera Lloyd continues to fulfill its mission of “sharing Christ’s healing love with children, youth and families in crisis


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