
Christ Church was established in 1854 as a free church with a particular obligation to daily prayer. At a time when it was usual for Episcopal parishes to rent out their pews, Christ Church was founded as a place of worship with seats open to all. We continue to hold the service of Morning Prayer each morning, and to celebrate the Holy Eucharist daily as well (four days a week in the summer months). Through our prayers, and through the breaking of bread and sharing of the chalice in the Eucharist, we bear witness to the mystery of the Incarnation, the Word made Flesh in Jesus Christ - remembering Christ{s sacrificial death, and proclaiming his victory over death and sin in his glorious resurrection.  In Christ Jesus we see God{s love for the world made manifest, and we ardently pray to be made worthy of that great redemption promised for all who believe in and follow him. We are an Anglican-Catholic parish of the Episcopal Church, founded in response to the Oxford Movement’s call to renew the true catholicity of the Church Universal, Christ{s body in the world.   We seek to remain true to that legacy, drawing upon two millennia of liturgical tradition in our worship, while also striving to keep ourselves open to the further unfolding of the Church’s catholicity in our time.        


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