Jennifer Stachel Orthodontics

New York, New York, United States | Doctor Dentist


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At Jennifer Stachel Orthodontics in New York City, we use state-of-the-art technology and materials to create healthy, beautiful smiles. 

Dr. Stachel is an Invisalign® Elite provider. Treatment options include Invisalign®, clear braces, lingual braces, Damon® Braces, AcceleDent® and Propel®. We combine our experience and expertise to find the orthodontic treatment that will improve the overall look of the smile.

Visit our practice at 315 W 57th Street, just a short walk from Columbus Circle and 59th Street station. Call us today at (212) 877-7177.        


  • Orthodontist
  • Invisalign
  • Acceledent
  • Braces
  • Clear Braces


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