New York Chiropractic of Natural Healing

New York, New York, United States | Doctor Chiropractor


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Our office is located in the heart of Manhattan. Our clinic specializes in the correction of vertebral subluxation, pain, nerve damage, musicians, dancers/Broadway, sports injuries, and complicated health problems.While many things in New York are done by the New York minute, your care shouldn’t. We take the time to thoroughly investigate the root of your problem and tailor a specific treatment program unique only for you which earned us the reputation of helping those that no one else could.At New York Chiropractic of Natural Healing, our goal is to help you achieve your health care goals and an optimum quality of life. Our approach to your health program utilizes the world renowned Gonstead method and we are one of the few chiropractic clinics using this system in New York City.side-buttonOur clinic follows on from a long history of Gonstead Clinics dating back to 1923 when the first clinic was established in a small dairy town in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, USA. Since then, Gonstead Chiropractic has maintained its superb standard of chiropractic across the world.


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