Evergreen Christian Community

Olympia, Vermont, United States | Church


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Evergreen is an inter-generational community of people seeking to authentically follow Jesus. Our vision is to transform spiritual hunger into devotion to God. We believe this occurs through encountering God in corporate worship, doing life together in community, and serving others with the generosity and love God has shown to us. We call this “COME, CONNECT, TRANSFORM”.At Evergreen, we embrace the reality that God is bigger than any of us can ever fully comprehend. At the same time, there are many Truths that the Bible communicates clearly enough to call them Essential Beliefs. There are many more exciting things to learn about God that border on the mysterious. So, we desire to walk in unity around our Essential Beliefs while enjoying liberty in the non-essential Truths of the Scriptures. In all things theological, we want to walk in love.


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